Sponsorship Opportunities
You love bluegrass. You would like to see bluegrass live forever. We have a way you can do that.You can help us make the future of bluegrass music brighter. Thanks for considering the following sponsorship opportunities.
- $500 – $10,000: The Bluegrass in the Schools Mini-Grant Program helps fund educational bluegrass presentations by bands at schools, K-12. Individual mini-grants are $500.
- $500 – $20,000: The Terry Baucom Bluegrass Education Grant funds $500 grants for musicians of any age, to help with educational expenses like lessons, instrument repair, educational materials, strings, and attending bluegrass camps and workshops. This grant is funded by an endowment at the Community Foundation of Tennessee set up initially by Terry’s widow, award-winning bluegrass broadcaster Cindy Baucom. The more donations we receive, the more musicians we can help.
- $500 – $20,000: The Fletcher Bright Memorial Grant for Young Musicians funds $500 grants for musicians age 21 and younger, to help with educational expenses like lessons, instrument repair, educational materials, strings, and attending bluegrass camps and workshops. This grant is funded by an endowment at the Community Foundation of Tennessee set up initially by the family of Fletcher Bright. The more donations we receive, the more young musicians we can help. This grant is a very popular one!
- $500 – $20,000: Arnold Shultz Fund grants ($500-$2,500 per project) encourage participation in bluegrass music by people of color. In addition the the annual round of Shultz Fund grants awarded in February, individual Arnold Shultz Fund grants are available year round.
- $3,000 – Discover Bluegrass: Exploring American Roots Music online video page sponsor
The six chapters of the Discover Bluegrass video, along with lesson plans, is available free to K-12 educators and students online. You will be our sponsor for the page at this link: http://bluegrassfoundation.org/programs/bluegrass-in-the-schools-dvd/. You receive: name and logo recognition on the page with a link to your website; access to teachers, homeschooling parents, and others interested in bluegrass music education; and mention in Foundation-generated articles and press releases about Discover Bluegrass. - $3,000 – Promotional tote bags with IBMA Foundation logo on one side and your logo on the other, to be used at World of Bluegrass week and sent to individuals who make $300+ donations.
- $2,500 – An IBMA Foundation Scholarship & Award Recipients Reception is held every year during World of Bluegrass week. As a sponsor, you are welcome to display a banner, hand out promotional materials, welcome the guests, and have your business logo or name included on the invitation.
- $2,500 – From time to time the IBMA Foundation organizes a Bluegrass Music-related Academic Conference during World of Bluegrass Week (1 – 2 days). As a sponsor, you can hang a banner at the event, share promotional items with attendees, welcome the attendees at the event, and also have your name/business name included in the program.
- $2,000 – Promotional guitar picks with IBMA Foundation logo on one side and your logo on the other, to be used at World of Bluegrass week and sent to donors or used to promote the Foundation.
- $2,000 – Bluegrass College Info Session at IBMA’s World of Bluegrass
Each year around a dozen colleges with bluegrass degrees and ensembles are present at the IBMA Bluegrass LIVE weekend festival at World of Bluegrass week. Each director will talk about the bluegrass program at their college, and then the student band performs two songs. All students gather onstage for a song at the end. High school age musicians and their parents are invited to attend, along with conference attendees and the public. You receive: Logo and name recognition in print and online schedules, programs, and on the IBMA Foundation website; five minutes to address attendees at the event; on-site display area for your promotional materials; banner in room. - $1,000 – Bluegrass College Educators Luncheon – 30+ college bluegrass teachers and ensemble directors meet once a year at World of Bluegrass to network and discuss new degree programs, curriculum, new books, and other items of academic interest. You receive: Logo and name recognition on website, five minutes to address the group in person, a table for promotional materials, and access to dozens of bluegrass college programs—who in turn have access to thousands of college students serious about bluegrass performance, as well as academic research projects. *For $2000, we will name the Educator’s Luncheon after your company or foundation.
- $1,000 – $20,000: IBMA Foundation Project Grants – The Foundation awards project grants ($1,000 – 2,500) to bluegrass-related programs and events that involve education, artistic, literary or historical preservation. Many grants fund bluegrass academies for young people at festivals and after-school instruction.
You receive: Name and logo recognition in publicity and on the Foundation website, and the opportunity to share merchandise or promotional materials with grant recipients. - $1,000 suggested – IBMA Bluegrass College Scholarship
The IBMA Bluegrass College Scholarship is awarded annually to a college student studying bluegrass music. The first year scholarship will be in the amount of $1,000, but the amount, the number of years it can be renewed, and the number of recipients per year may increase as the endowment fund supporting the scholarship increases. For gifts of $1,000+ you receive: name and logo recognition in press releases, articles and on our website. You will have the opportunity to share promotional materials or merchandise with scholarship recipients or students participating in funded programs. An agency endowment fund has been set up at the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to fund this annual scholarship. Payouts will fund one $1000 scholarship a year. Additional donations will enable us to give more than one scholarship and/or raise the scholarship amount per person in the future. - $1,000 suggested – Sally Ann Forrester College Scholarship
The Sally Ann Forrester College Scholarship for female bluegrass musicians was started with a contribution from Murphy Hicks Henry in 2019. Scholarships of $1000 each will be awarded to young women who play bluegrass music. An agency endowment fund has been set up to fund this scholarship. Payouts will fund one $1000 scholarship a year. Additional donations will enable us to give more than one scholarship and/or raise the scholarship amount per person in the future. - $1,000 suggested – The Rick Lang Music Songwriter Scholarship ($2500) is sponsored annually by Rick and Wendy Lang. This scholarship is funded by an endowment at the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Additional donations will allow us to give more than one scholarship a year.
- $1,000 suggested – The J. D. Crowe Banjo Scholarship, for college students studying the banjo. This scholarship is funded by an endowment at the Community Foundation of Tennessee, initiated by the Arthur Hancock family, but additional donations will allow us to award more than one scholarship per year.
- $1,000 suggested – The Katy Daley Broadcast Media & Sound Engineer Scholarship, for individuals studying any type of broadcasting or sound engineering at a college or other training institute. This scholarship is supported by an endowment at the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, created by Katy Daley and Bill Brown, but more donations enable us to award scholarships to more applicants.
- $1,000 suggested – The Gloria Belle Scholarship: Becky Buller is raising funds to endow a college scholarship in memory of Gloria Belle Flickinger, one of the first female bluegrass musicians working as a “sideman” in a national touring band. Contact the IBMA Foundation to find out how to help Becky reach her $20,000 goal for an endowment fund at the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
- $1,000 suggested per year – The Rosenberg Bluegrass Scholar Award recognizes the college graduate student, Ph.D. candidate, or recent Ph.D. who has presented the best bluegrass music-related paper at an academic conference during the past year. Paolo Dettwiler, of Switzerland, is the 2025 sponsor of this award.
- Design Your Own Sponsorship – Do you have another idea to promote your business while supporting the IBMA Foundation mission to share bluegrass music with future generations? Give Administrator Nancy Cardwell a call at 615.260.4807 and let’s talk!
The IBMA Foundation is the philanthropic organization that supports programs and initiatives fostering the growth of bluegrass music. By connecting resources to projects that focus on bluegrass music-related arts and culture, education, literary work, and historic preservation, we help donors create a legacy to benefit future generations of musicians and fans.

Join the street team working together to create a brighter future for bluegrass.
Anyone willing to share information with friends and colleagues about IBMA Foundation-hosted scholarships, grants, and programs is WELCOME to sign up as a “Friend of the Foundation” and use the logo above. Fill out the form below to request a free brochure, sticker, and magnet.
Please display the Friend of the Foundation logo on your websites, social media pages, marketing messages, liner notes, and fliers.
The Friends of the Foundation group is open to all individuals, companies, and organizations interested in helping bluegrass music grow, sharing it with future generations and new audiences around the world. CLICK HERE to read about ways you could help as a Friend of the Foundation.
Click Here to be a Friend of the Foundation
The IBMA Foundation
1183 University Drive #105-215
Burlington, NC 27215