Thank you for your generosity this year. We’ve already witnessed support for the things that bring our bluegrass community joy and for the things in this world we want to change in 2021.
But the year isn’t quite over yet! This is the perfect time for reflecting and giving back—and there are even some special tax savings available when you give before 2021 ends. To help you with your plans for year-end gifting, we have some important reminders to share.
- Our office will be open December 17-21, 27-29 and the 31st from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern time. If you seek gifting assistance outside office hours, please leave a message on our voicemail at (615) 260-4807 or email Nancy Cardwell at
- Gifts mailed through the U.S. Postal Service must be postmarked by December 31, 2021, to be credited in 2021. Make all gifts payable to “The IBMA Foundation,” with a note if you want to support a particular organization, grant or scholarship program. If not specified, your December gift will be divided equally among the IBMA Foundation, the IBMA Trust Fund, and the International Bluegrass Music Association.
- Online gifts may be made until 11:59 p.m. ET on New Year’s Eve. Click here to make your year-end donation online now. (Info at
- Gifts arriving via UPS or FedEx must be received at the IBMA Foundation by 3:00 p.m. on December 31, 2021 to be credited in 2021. Our address: IBMA Foundation, 1183 University Drive #105-215, Burlington, NC 27215.
- Notify us now of any gifts you plan from more complicated sources such as stock, IRA distributions, or electronic fund transfers, as these will require extra time and coordination to arrive at the IBMA Foundation by year’s end.
- If you would like assistance in choosing where to share your generosity this year, please contact us at or consider gifting to one of our endowed funds at the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
Thank you again for making sure that the spirit of generosity remains alive and well in the worldwide bluegrass music community. We look forward to working with you in 2022.
RETURN to the December 2021 issue of The Cornerstone.
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