The winner of the Louvin Brothers-tribute cowboy boots designed by internationally renowned boot maker Lisa Sorrell of Guthrie, Oklahoma, was selected randomly by the RallyUp.com computer software program on March 1. The lucky recipient of this truly unique pair of boots is Kim Tilly, of Flemington, New Jersey.
Tilly describes herself as “a fan of all genres of music,” and says she has been a fan of Sorrell Custom Boots for years. “I saw the post on their Facebook page for the raffle and decided to make my donation to the Foundation,” she said, “never ever expecting to be the winner of the Louvin Brothers boots. Thank you to Lisa Sorrell and the IBMA Foundation for allowing me to cross off a pair of Lisa’s boots from my bucket list!”
Kim Tilly is an active member of her community, serving eight years on the Flemington Borough council as well as with the local volunteer Fire Department and Community Emergency Response Team. She has served on multiple PTO, Education Foundation, Woman’s Club, and Salvation Army boards, and she says she loves “to support local and underdog charities.” Tilly worked in a family business for 28 years before becoming a school bus driver, which she describes as “the best job ever!”
If you missed the livestreamed drawing, you can view it here: https://fb.watch/qxTq5-J9hz/.
Ticket purchases totaling $4,100 in 2024 (plus $5,500 in 2023) for the custom cowboy boot raffle support the work of the IBMA Foundation year-round. That work includes project grants for bluegrass camps and afterschool programs for kids and bluegrass academies at festivals; bluegrass academic conferences; mini-grants for bands to present educational bluegrass programs at schools; college scholarships for students focusing on bluegrass-related majors, banjo, broadcast media, songwriting, sound engineering, or other studies; the Neil Rosenberg Bluegrass Scholar Award; the annual Bluegrass College Band Showcase at World of Bluegrass; Arnold Shultz Fund grants to encourage participation in bluegrass music by people of color; Fletcher Bright Memorial Grants for Young Musicians; and a variety of educational resources for educators and students of all ages.
Our heartfelt thanks are extended to Lisa Sorrell at Sorrell Custom Boots; Kissy Black at Lotos Nile; Erin Webb (who had the winning ticket in 2023, but chose to let the Foundation raffle them again this year because of shoe size); IBMA Foundation Raffle Committee chairperson Laurie Greenberg; Foundation board, committee members and Friends of the Foundation who helped get the word out; and especially to everyone who purchased a ticket!
Return to the March 2024 issue of The Cornerstone.
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